Who should take this class?
Anyone interested in effectively using on-camera flash or speedlights to add or enhance lighting and shoot on the go in any situation.
What you will learn
On-camera and off-camera flash is a very useful tool, but it's also one of the more difficult ones to understand and use correctly. To avoid blown-out, unflattering images, photographers must carefully deploy these powerful little devices, but the results can be well worth the effort. From lighting a dark scene, to filling harsh shadows, to creating multi-light strobe setups, the Flash is a versatile weapon in your lighting arsenal.
This 2-day Field Guide is aimed to demystify that 430ex or SB-800 you've got lying unused, or even your built-in flash. We'll show you what's what with guide numbers and bounce and fill. Get comfortable shooting and adjusting on the fly, by knowing what to expect. You'll be amazed how much of a creative tool your modest little flash can be.
What to bring
Your camera and external flash/speedlight if you have one
If you are not already comfortable and proficient with controlling exposure through aperture / shutter speed / ISO, as well as color (white balance), motion blur and the like, please consider taking Field Guide I first.
Meets 2 consecutive weeks